Sunday, 16 February 2025

Floating Bus Stops: Redux

I write this with a deep sigh. Not because it's an unimportant subject, it's just that it comes up every so often and I need to remind people that floating bus stops are not the starting position, they are a design response to policy and network decisions. So, here I am again writing about floating bus stops.

Campaigns against floating bus stops sometimes break out into the media, but there's also the drip-drip output from some people and organisations (especially on social media) which far from galvanising people to seek improved designs, end up drawing out all sorts of oddballs to have a pop at people cycling, attitudes which all to sadly are replicated on the streets and ends up with views being entrenched and prejudices reinforced.

There are some people and organisations who advocate for a ban of floating bus stops and have got themselves into a position where they will absolutely not countenance discussion about that position, let alone compromise. At the moment I can't see how they can come back from such a purist position, but neither do I see them presenting any credible alternative designs (or any designs at all). It is very easy to say no.

I covered the issue of floating bus stops back in 2021 which was going to be my go-to response on the subject and there isn't much for me to add in terms of site design, but I there are a few things I've developed my thinking on since then, and I wanted to preserve a quick bit of research I did for a social media thread. I will come back so a couple of design issues at the end though.

On the thinking side, my 2021 post links to research and gives practical advice on how to improve designs which I think remain 100% sound, but I'll cover some more research later. What my post didn't cover is the network-level issues and the design of networks is something that has only really properly crystallised in my mind in the last year.

The fundamental question is why do we have floating bus stops? It's as fundamental as why do we have anything on the streets and the answer is because of motor traffic, but it's even more conceptual than that. Floating bus stops are a design response to a network-level decision to enable people to cycle as transport and that's the starting position. If we do not use floating bus stops at all, we cannot possibly enable people to cycle in a way that meets their wants and needs.

In the UK, we are very used a two-mode transport solution of either walking and wheeling on footways or driving on carriageways. Where those modes cross is where design comes into play and it has all to often been at the expense of pedestrians with layouts that encourage drivers to take priority and pedestrians to cede it, as well as complex junctions and crossings that take an age to get from one side to the other.

Prior to the last decade or so, cycling has been seen as a mode that should be accommodated in the carriageway and treated like little motor vehicles. That was reflected in national guidance as well as actually what was done on the ground. If you have a look at the numbers of people cycling where that approach has been taken, it comes as no surprise that numbers are low and the approach failed. 

When we weren't trying to paint people onto the carriageway, we tried to bolt cycling onto footways which often took space away from walking and wheeling, made cycling slow and perhaps made the users of both modes defensive of their space; and all the while, we were actually maintaining the motor-centric status quo.

From a network-level perspective, a three-mode solution will have three-mode needs and each mode will have its own network-level needs. The key is how we design where the modes coincide or cross. I write about this more in one of my business blog posts which of course mentions floating bus stops. 

There has been plenty of research to show that people won't cycle with fast and heavy flows of traffic and so when we design a cycle network, we need to remember that people have the same wants and needs to travel to get to places as with any mode, and so they will be travelling along roads that have a high density of services, but which are also in use as busy motor traffic corridors. It is impossible to design cycling networks which purely rely on side streets because most services are not found there.

One might argue that buses (and trams) should be thought of as a fourth mode, but I would say that the difference here is that they are not door to door in the same way as cycling is and (conceptually) they follow fixed routes which should make the planning aspect a little easier. One solution which is sometimes advanced is that where space is constrained, then buses and cycles should be routed on different streets. 

The problem here is the density of services issue and people using cycling as a door to door mode. I think this is a position which could be explored if we are willing to remove other motor traffic and where space is still constrained, but this is a rare. If we end up with a bus only street, but it has relatively low levels of bus traffic, then in fact most people will be happy to mix if it is all low speed. If there are high levels of bus traffic, then people will want to be protected and clearing out general traffic might be enough to build high quality floating bus stops. 

Anywhere that cannot achieve this is going to be an edge-case needing bespoke network planning work in any case and will need a high density road network to be achievable. But, it has its place in the discussion and it needs the UK to move beyond designing routes as the starting point and really get under the network planning skin.

In England, we have the Local Walking Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plans technical guidance which is meant to help us plan for walking and cycling networks over a geographic area and then prioritise delivery. I think the guidance is over-complex and some of the data sources it suggests we use are flaky. There is a basic premise that people want and need to travel between places and that is what we have mostly given motoring in the door to door sense. There is, however a key failure in the guidance as it completely forgets to mention the motoring network and by extension, bus networks. If those aren't being looked at, how do we ever rationalise things? It's more about the rural situation, but I have a look at network planning in my business blog post here.

It is worth highlighting at this point that the busiest cycle route on the planet is also on a bus only street, but because bus services are frequent, there are cycle tracks. At the network level, this is a main cycle route in the local city network and the streets either side are just low traffic city streets which are accessible for cycling, but nobody is using them unless they need to be there. I am talking about Vredenburg in Utrecht.

A photo from a floating bus stop island with a bus to the left and a busy two way cycle track to the right.

The photograph above is a view along one of the passenger islands of the floating bus stops on a street which are needed because if buses and cycles mixed, there would be chaos and people would get hurt. The live bus times at the stop in my photograph can be found here which make interesting watching. I am not suggesting that this design works for everyone, but it is very much the design response to network-level decisions and from a city perspective, Utrecht is really squeezing out private cars which gives more transport options for those who don't or can't drive.

It is also worth mentioning the London Cycling Campaign's new report "After Dark" which takes a critical look at London's designated Cycleways and suggests that a quarter of the network is socially unsafe at night. It also suggests there has been too much reliance on indirect routes which use or skirt parks, canals and other lonely places. This isn't directly linked to the design of floating bus stops, but it is a network-level outcome where we haven't tackled what is happening on the nearby and more direct routes along streets and in the event we keep cycle routes and bus routes separate, this type of thing will be one outcome.

I can think of examples of lonely routes which get you away from traffic (and the density of services) because there is no appetite to tackle the main roads. I can also think of examples where main roads have been tackled and where there are floating bus stops, but the alternative parallel routes that would have avoided floating bus stops are indirect, sometimes lonely and sometimes on local streets with too much rat-running traffic.

In terms of research undertaken since my original post, Living Streets has looked into floating bus stops (and continuous footways). The report and research backing it is dense, but at the very least it is worth reading the executive summary which essentially calls out the lack of design consistency and poor layouts seen out in the real world, but it also says:

However, whilst there is some concern about bus stop bypasses, our observational data suggested the level of discomfort or difficulty most people experience in using these bus stops, when well designed, is very low. Where a cycle track is extremely busy – a much wider group of pedestrians can be disadvantaged, unless reliable support is provided to allow easier crossing.

This pulls at network-level and local contextual design responses, and in my opinion, is completely sensible and more effort is needed on the really busy places.

Guide Dogs commissioned University College London to undertake research on floating bus stops (and other design elements). Again, it is well worth a read and there are a set of recommendations which on the whole are sensible in my view. There is one recommendation I take issue with however:

Investigate different ways of enabling cycle lanes and bus stops to interact which do not raise safety concerns amongst passengers and pedestrians using the stop. This investigation should include consideration of alternative positions, alignments and routes for the cycle lane to ensure that both cyclists and pedestrians are safe around bus stops. Until findings from this research are available, stop the further installation of Floating Island Bus Stops and Shared Bus Stop Boarders. 

I am not getting into shared boarders here as it's another discussion, but as I have said above, floating bus stops are a design response to the decision to enable cycling through network design and calling for their use to be halted until some so far undiscussed and uncommissioned research is simply not reasonable.

The suggestion that there is somehow "alternative positions, alignments and routes for the cycle lane" is at best naïve because if there were a magic layout that had 100% support from everyone with an interest, people would be able to go and point at real-life examples. It is certain that there is no alternative where two-way cycle tracks are used. They don't exist for a very good reason, and this is where I want to preserve a bit of a thread I did on social media. 

I did a very quick literature review on international design guidance for floating bus stops (ignoring all of the network-level discussions for a minute). I am not going to critique each one, but there is very obviously a certain level of familiarity about all of them.

A plan of a floating bus stop. A yellow cycle path joins a wider blue area passing behind a bus stop and which is shared.
Brazil (2007)

A 3D drawing of a 2-way cycle track behind a bus stop.
British Columbia

A plan of a floating bus stop where a cycle track goes behind the stop and there is a wide zebra crossing to get to the stop.

A plan of a floating bus stop where a pink cycle track goes behind the stop and there is a zebra crossing to get to the stop.

Three bus stop plans with a floating bus stop, a shared path behind the bus stop and a cycle lane which is routed behind the bus stop.

A plan of a floating bus stop where a cycle track goes behind the stop and there is two zebra crossings to get to the stop.

Three floating bus stops. One approaches a signalised junction, one is s straight cycle track and the other a chicaned cycle track.

A plan of a floating bus stop where a pink cycle track goes behind the stop and there is a zebra crossing to get to the stop.
New Zealand

A plan of a floating bus stop where a pink cycle track goes behind the stop and there is a zebra crossing to get to the stop at each end of the floating area.

A plan of a floating bus stop where a cycle track goes behind the stop and there is an uncontrolled crossing to get to the stop.
London (TfL)

A plan of a floating bus stop where a cycle track goes behind the stop and there is a zebra crossing to get to the stop.


Of course, I can be critical here and just say that all of these essentially copy the Dutch approach and given the discourse in the UK, we have folks unhappy with the approach. That's fair to a point, but my counter is that nobody has proposed a reasonable alternative that doesn't throw people cycling back into traffic or just ignores their needs (eg, bus lanes). 

I did find this layout in Colombian guidance, but it doesn't take an engineer to explain how awful it is.

A bus stop. There is a general traffic lane and a cycle track. At the bus stop, buses swing to kerb side and there is an island to the offside of a stopped bus that stops drivers overtaking, but allows cyclists to overtake a stopped bus.

For completeness, people cite designs from Copenhagen where passengers board and alight from the cycle track and people cycling stop for them as a matter of it being of traffic rules. It is a solution, but one which those who don't like floating bus stops will like even less. From the perspective of Copenhagen, there might, however, be an argument about consistency and everyone knowing how it works and that might take you so far, but they have plenty of floating bus stops and the reality of the compromise is actually space and in many cases, not taking it from general traffic.

A cyclist on a wide cycle track stops as people get off a yellow bus to his left and cross the cycle track to the footway to the right where there is a bus stop flag.

In rounding up other thinking, I need to link to Wheels for Wellbeing's thoughts and perspectives which remind us the need for inclusive consultation but that people choosing cycling need continuous protection.

Transport for London has also undertaken a safety review of floating bus stops in London. It found the risk of injury to be very low, but more than a third of stops not meeting their guidance and that some people remain concerned, especially with confusing layouts. Personally, I dislike some of TfL's guidance which has one layout which funnels people cycling into single file and requires them to negotiate what I would say quite tight geometry to the point where their attention might be on negotiating that and not people crossing, but again, I'm getting drawn into detail.

TfL does suggest there needs to be more education in how the infrastructure is intended to operate, that boroughs need to be more consistent with design and that guidance needs to be reviewed. They also want to look at innovation to help visually impaired people use [floating] bus stops and research the behavioural issues around cyclists not giving way (I assume at zebra crossings over cycle tracks).

On the technology side, I do think the idea of using detectors at busier cycle tracks which provides tactile information on large gaps in cycle traffic is helpful as it doesn't rely on administrative controls to stop cyclists to allow people to cross (because zebra crossings and signals are motor traffic responses). I can't find a link to a trial, but I will update this if I do.

Finally, on the zebra crossing issue my 2021 post did link to the research TRL did for Transport for London some time back, but which is is worth mentioning again here. The study was limited, but did suggest that zebra crossings on cycle tracks are a feature that most people understand in terms of who has priority, even if the compliance from people cycling was decidedly mixed. In legal terms, zebra crossings over cycle tracks are very much real zebra crossings and so people cycling should be giving way to people crossing.

On balance, I think the zebras are useful from a wayfinding and consistency perspective and I recommend them to be used wherever someone is being formally guided to cross a cycle track.

Floating bus stops seems to have got themselves stuck in a never ending debate about a design response which comes way down the line from policy and network planning decisions in a way I can't think happens with anything else we find on the street.

To some extent they are a worry to folks who rely on buses and have fought for accessible services and floating bus stops perceptibly erode that hard won accessibility. I can't argue against that, but equally, I can't support positions that when taken back up the policy chains mean we have to maintain the status quo, which is pretty much motor traffic domination of most of the country. You can't research your way out of it, you need to build you way out of it.

Friday, 27 December 2024

Stratford Streets

Boxing Day called for a little bit of fresh air and with the Elizabeth Line closed, I took my folding bike out for a trip to Stratford (East London) via the District Line for a little post-Christmas cycle safari.

I caught up with Dermot Hanney, one of the people behind the London Route Plan Roll cycle network map, to have a look a few things going on in the Stratford area and I'll cover three things in this post. 

First was a look at the A118 Romford Road where an ambitious 4.5km project by the London Borough of Newham is underway to transform its section of the corridor between Stratford and the edge of Ilford.

A parallel zebra crossing. On the near side, there is a pedestrian island between the road and a cycle track to allow people to cross in stages.

It had been a while since I'd been to Romford Road and while we didn't cycle the whole length of it, progress seems a little slow at the Stratford end, but it is delivering a project that adds some wide one-way cycle tracks which are suitable for side-by-side social cycling. We cycled east on the section built from Vicarage Lane, although the westbound side is still under construction. The crossing shown above is near Dyson Road and will provide a connection between the eastbound and westbound cycle tracks to maximise access to them and local side streets.

It was great to see forgiving kerbs, decent floating bus stops and rain gardens, although the lack of radius kerbs where the cycle track changes direction is quite an annoying feature of many UK designs - can nobody design curves any more? The surface regularity was also poor in many places which shows that it was laid by hand and not machine. I hope this can be improved elsewhere. 

A modal filter in a street. There is a planter on each side of the road, the left has a no motors sign, the right has a green road open to people sign.  A delivery rider with a green coat and orange bag cycles through.

Not wishing to cycle back to Stratford in the westbound where the works were ongoing, we hopped to the south of Romford Road into the new West Ham Park Low Traffic Neighbourhood which commenced as an experimental scheme in November 2024. The scheme is bounded by the A118 Romford Road to the north, the B164 Vicarage Lane to the west, the A114 Upton Lane to the east and West Ham Park itself to the south. 

There are four new modal filters such as the one above on Ham Park Road near Fairland Road which removes east-west traffic that should be using the main road network. The scheme is managed by camera for the benefit of emergency services vehicles and local blue badge holders, and as such it was a shame to note that someone had vandalised the signs. I always prefer bollards to cameras and this is one of the reasons why, but in any case, it has removed the through traffic and if retained, creates a great way for local people to access the Romford Road cycle tracks.

A modal filter consisting of 4 bollards and different materials for walking and cycling space. There are some street trees to the right and a street in the distance.

The scheme also relies on existing and long established modal filters such as the one above between Ham Park Road and Devenay Road which was established 40 years ago in 1984, and has bollards. Interestingly, this was created using planning powers rather than highway powers which was sometimes the route used for environmental improvement projects of the time.

The final thing to report on was the ongoing work on Westfield Avenue which is transforming a dual carriageway built for the 2012 Olympics into something a bit more fitting for the mixed use legacy development; although it is incredibly annoying that money is having to be spent on this again when we should have got it right the first time. Westfield Avenue is an important road within the Olympic development as it provides motor access to lots of parts of the development as well as bringing bus routes to the area.

A two-way cycle track with a landscaping both sides and then a footway left, a floating bus stop to the right accessed by a zebra crossing and the road beyond. There are tall buildings on both sides.

Westfield Avenue always felt like a windswept wasteland and from a walking, wheeling and cycling perspective, a place that nobody would wish to spend any time at. However, there has been a huge amount of development in recent years and the changes are really needed to rebalance the place function as well as to actually provide decent cycling space as can be seen in the photograph above.

A two-way cycle track with a lush rain garden to the right, a road after that and then high buildings.

From a cycling perspective, the street is getting a two-way cycle track which is good for social cycling and it has a nice smooth surface. Of course, being two-way, it makes it harder to access the side of the street without a cycle track, although there is much needed access to the Westfield shopping centre. The project has already had lots of new landscaping with rain gardens added that have really changed the feel of the place (above).

Rain gardens between a cycle track (right) and a road (left) surrounded by temporary fencing and barriers. A red bus passes on the left.

To the north of of the current work section, there is a hill and so it was really interesting to see stepped rain gardens being built (above) and which use little weirs to help control the flow of water through the system (below).

A small concrete weir with a rectangular central notch between segments of rain garden.

The design details have the feel of something Transport for London has had influence with in terms of some of the detailing, black asphalt for the cycle track, but especially the annoying stagger between a crossing of the cycle track and the road at the project's southern end (below). 

A crossing of a cycle track with a central reserve leading to a crossing of a road which are offset from each other.

Anyone familiar with the development of cycle tracks in London can see some of this commonality in many other schemes from the last decade which I guess is OK for consistency, but it has built-in some annoying features such non-forgiving kerbs and a lack of colour differentiation between cycle and driving space. I'm probably being a little over-critical here, but I do think London could improve the detailing on some of its projects.

A wide street with tall buildings both sides. The wide road in the middle has lots of temporary fencing and barriers with different traffic lanes as the area is being worked on.

What is true about Westfield Avenue is that this will be an amazing transformation of a dual carriageway, and perhaps a template for changing lots of others across the Capital. When you stand at the northern end of the current works and look back (above), you can certainly see the huge amount of space that was given over to motoring!

There is lots going on around Stratford and assuming Newham holds its nerve and the investment continues, the area is increasingly improving its liveability, and the sustainable mobility offer to visitors. I'm looking forward to visiting in a few months time to see how things are progressing.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Not Invented In Norwich

A couple of weeks back I had the afternoon off and jumped on a train to Norwich to give a talk at the Norwich Cycling Campaign's AGM called "Not Invented Here". 

At some point, I will produce a video of me talking through the slides, but until I do, you can download them from my business website, City Infinity*. 

The title of the talk came from discussions with Peter at the campaign about a bit of frustration they had with the city council's approach to design which had a whiff of solutions being shunned as they weren't the way the city did things. Amusingly, I have been hearing the same for well over a decade and so it was nice to present solutions from across the UK which are routinely deployed. 

A street with a profile from left to right: A footway of grey, buff and brown concrete tiles, a reddish/ brown cycle track, a buffer used for car parking/ loading, cycle parking and street furniture. A two-way single carriageway with tram tracks, a narrower buffer, another cycle track and then a footway. There are people walking, cycling and driving. Parked cars and cycles and a tram approaching. There are shops on both sides with 3 and 4 levels of residential development above.

OK, I had one slide talking about Middenweg in Amsterdam, but that was more about what can be done on a 20 metre wide arterial road (above).

A grey cycle with a purple cover over the back wheel and an orange backpack in the front basket.

Anyway, there was time for a pootle around the city with Peter before it got dark and I availed myself of one of the Beryl e-cycles forming part of the city's cycle and e-scooter hire scheme. Unlocking is either by tapping your phone on the cycle's keypad or entering a code provided from the app into the keypad and you're away. 

The system has the clever stuff on the cycles and while you can lock them to a cable at the docks, the system is geofenced so you can just park up at the docking area. One issue I did have was a flat front tyre as we hit the furthest place out of the city that we rode which required a walk to find a dock and another cycle - there is definitely a need for a denser network of docks on the outskirts!

A narrow street with red brick buildings on the left and grey on the right. There is a blue traffic sign to the left showing it's a one-way street ahead, but two-way for cycling. A row of bollards in the distance closes the street to through traffic.

Norwich isn't as flat as you might think and so the e-cycle was great fun to use, although most of the city was no more hilly than most urban UK places, so it was more of a luxury and perhaps at an overall price aimed at short hops. The first place we looked at was the city centre which has a fair amount of filtering and access-loops such as King Street (above) which creates some really nice places to cycle.

A pedestrianised city street with tables and chairs outside a pub to the left and people walking around.

The pedestrianised parts of the city centre almost always allow cycling such as the historic London Street (above), which on 17th July 1967 became the first shopping street in the UK to be pedestrianised and you can watch footage of the opening ceremony.

A pedestrian and cycle zone sign with a street beyond with white buildings to the left and market stalls to the right.

There has been some pedestrianisation around Norwich Market. Gentleman's Walk (above) runs to the east of the market and from what I can find, the area has had controls on motor traffic the 1970s. It is also part of a long running Alan Partridge joke and less amusingly, the scene of mass driver ignorance which led to further controls being removed. It is all the more annoying because the city has a complete inner ring road which really should allow it to go even further than it has done.

A section of street with a parking lane (right) then a light grey pavement strip, dark cycle lane with a tree right on the edge on the right, a main pavement and then shops to the right.

Despite the pedestrianisation, there are some larger roads running through the city centre area such as Prince of Wales Road (above). It forms part of a local gyratory of one-way traffic streets. It has a narrowish cycle track (complete with silly tree placement). It is also only intended to be one-way contraflow to traffic which makes it less useful, although many people were using it two-way and apparently the area is actually a shared-use path!

Shops to the left, then a pavement, cycle track and hard strip then the road to the right. A person on a bike waits to cross a side street coming from the left ahead.

The junction with St Vedast Street is however riskily laid out. Drivers coming towards cycle traffic peel off right (from their perspective) under the control of signals, whereas cyclists are presented with worn give way markings. This should be a signalised crossing running in parallel with the signalised pedestrian crossing which is right next to it (above). It actually felt safer cycling the wrong way because you could see the red signal to traffic. This area really needs a two-way cycle track and if the street is to be for movement, then some of the on-street parking needs to make way.

A pedestrianised street. Grey and green buildings to the left and red to the right. The pavement is mainly light, but with irregular dark strips along the building fronts.

As we headed out of the city, we picked up NCN1 which took us through St Georges Street (above) which was another cycle-friendly pedestrianised street, part of a wider pedestrianised and low traffic area. What I liked about the design was that it hinted at both the historic layout and perhaps where people should cycle. It may not have been designed that way, but it worked that way.

A semi-rural surfaced shared-use path going into the distance framed by autumnal trees.

NCN1 is also on one of the city's "pedalways", a network of colour-coded routes which provide arterials to and from the city and a couple of orbitals (the inner and outer circuits). The red pedalway includes the Marriotts Way (above) which is a longer distance between Drayton and Whitlingham via the city centre.

A parallel crossing from a cyclist perspective. Cycles to the left and pedestrians to the right. There is a bollard in the foreground with a shared-use path sign and a red National Cycle Route logo.

We were cycling northwest out of the city and the first section of the route was lit; and in general, it's flat grade and a fairly decent width which belied it being a former railway with hints of its use with occasional heritage features. It also connects to local housing and industrial areas. Further on and the lighting ends, but the route has recently been improved with a crossing over Hellesdon Road (above) and a new section of surfaced path, although it soon became gravel and less useful for transport. This is where my front tyre started to deflate!

A walking and cycling street with a grey house to the right and a hedgerow to the left. There is a wide black surfaced path with a red brick central stripe.

Feet took over and we walked around 2.5km further west through the Clover Hill neighbourhood to west of the city and we had a looked at some older walking and cycling layouts through the middle of Clover Hill which provide a spine through the neighbourhood (above). It was a mixture of direct access to homes, links to cul-de-sacs and places which were  bit unloved - this really could and should be comprehensively refurbished as it is useful. I then picked up a new hire cycle and we headed off on wheels once more. 

A floating bus stop with a green shelter. The road is left, the shelter is on a small paved area in a grass verge, then there is a cycle track and then a stepped up pavement. It is all a bit narrow.

We were heading for a look at Dereham Road, but before we got there, we picked up the Mayfly Way which is a local walking, wheeling and cycling route through the Chapel Break neighbourhood. It's of its age and quite narrow (the cycle tracks are two-way), but it features stepped cycle tracks with almost forgiving kerbs (they're at 45° and a bit high), floating bus stops (above) and grade separation (below).

An underpass with brick facing and a pavement stepped up above a cycle track going into it.

This area is 1970s to 1990s vintage, but someone had ideas of how to build active mode networks, even if they didn't push the boat out on width and making it more extensive.

Part of the Mayfly Way has had some significant and recent improvement works which included the acquisition of land to provide a really good walking, wheeling and cycling route. It features a stepped cycle track and parallel crossings such as at Barnard Road (above) providing longer links and access between residential and employment sites in Bowthorpe with a connection to Dereham Road to the north.

The A1074 Dereham Road is a main arterial traffic route connecting to the A47 trunk road to the west of Norwich to the city centre, with the A47 forming part of an unfinished outer ring road. There are plans to finish it, but they are highly controversial.

A floating bus stop with a pavement left and passenger island right with a two way cycle track stepped down between the two. The cycle track bends left around the shelter and back with angled kerbs.

Dereham Road is currently being updated as part of the English Transforming Cities Fund programme and the Mayfly Way plugs into it at the junction with Richmond Road. From a cycling perspective, the project creates some local links via a two-way cycle track on Dereham Road. The project also uses some local service roads including Breckland Road (above) which bypasses a large roundabout. 

The layout is a mixture of separate and shared space and unfortunately, some of the detailing is quite poor in terms of the surface quality and the complete lack of radius kerbs as can be seen above. It also has everything in black asphalt which very much hints at having to get the project down to a price.

A T-junction from the edge of the main road. The double dotted line for giving way is closest to the photographer.

There has been an attempt at cycling priority at the side streets, but they suffer from layouts that suggest priority for both cycling and driving which really isn't clear enough. The junction above is with Stafford Avenue which should have had the cycle crossing bent out from Dereham Road. Instead, there has been an attempt to ask drivers to give way as they turn into the side street with the result of having the give way marking on the wrong side of the junction if viewed from the side street. What an astonishing decision.

The eastern extent of the project ends at Gurney Road where cyclists have to move to a shared bus lane to head into the city (eastbound) with zero provision for them westbound and so the works will only really be of value to those cycling between the communities on both sides of Dereham Road which is important, if rather limited in vision. The way to access the city centre is through other residential areas to pick up the red pedalway (NCN1).

Time and daylight were against us and so I won't cover the debacle at the Colney Lane roundabout because Norwich Cycling Campaign are all over it. I will add that they are 100% right to be upset at what has been done to degrade walking, wheeling and cycling safety here.

A person cycles in front in a cycle lane made from dotted lines on the left of the road. There is another on the right and the gap in the middle is one vehicle wide. A bus comes towards us in the distance and it is a tree-lined street.

Our city-bound route back took us to a couple more oddities. First was on The Avenues (above) which is an important link between the city and the hospital and university, forming part of the pink pedalway.

It's a curious interpretation of one of the Dutch approaches to cycle lanes on roads which haven't been upgraded to either actual protection or filtering, expect they would surface the cycle lanes in red. It operates by showing the space cycle traffic needs and with drivers sticking to the centre area and only moving into the lanes when there is oncoming traffic. 

It actually felt fairly comfortable, but it's not for everyone and it is only there because the city abandoned a cycle track project a few years ago because of the costs associated with having to be careful with the trees on the street. It's a classic British problem where trees are ultimately more precious than humans and in which we simply cannot look to the long term where we might have to replace some very fine and locally loved trees, but in which the next generation will benefit from both trees and protected space. I find my stance continually hardening on this.

A red sign with white text saying "MOTOR VEHICLES when red light shows wait at first stop line" there is a road and cars on it ahead and then traffic signals.

The final thing to mention from our cycle around the city is the traffic sign I spotted on Christchurch Road, just round the corner from the Avenues. Perhaps I have been delving into historical design approaches for too long, but I immediately recognised it as the remnants of an experimental advance stop line programme which saw the stop lines separately controlled, and which I covered in this post about cycle gates. Apart from being a piece of design history, the sign cannot be original which means that at some point it has just been replaced rather than abandoned and in this case, I was very pleased!

My talk in the evening was designed to lift the spirits of the Norfolk Cycling Campaign by showing them the best of the UK, but far from things not being invented in Norwich, there are examples of innovation all over, dating back to London Street in 1967. I think I said at the AGM, the city has all of the parts, it's just not always using them in the right order. I'll be going back to have a look at the north and east of the city at some point, but when it is a little warmer! Thanks to the campaign for their hospitality

Sunday, 3 November 2024

A Tram To Trafford

Earlier this week I was in Manchester for a conference. I didn't have time for a proper look around at what's new, but I did manage to jump on a tram to Stretford before it got dark on the day I arrived.

Why Stretford? Well, in a previous job, I became aware of a project planned for Kingsway which is part of the wider regeneration of the Stretford Mall Shopping centre and surrounding area. Dom Cycling has a good history of the development works including Kingsway from earlier this year.

The A5145 Kingsway flanks the northern side of the shopping centre and connects to the A56 Chester Road to the east (which forms the eastern flank to the shopping centre) and then on as Edge Lane towards Chorlton-cum-Hardy, where a branch of my family was from, and then Stockport. Sabre Roads has a little on the history.

A hostile dual carriageway road flanked by guardrails to keep pedestrians in their place.

Kingsway itself was a dual carriageway with two traffic lanes in each direction with a large junction serving the shopping centre. It really was a huge barrier between the community to the north, the shopping centre and the surrounding area. A classic example of how many urban places were trashed to enable more road capacity (above).

This road is now a very much a street and I was pleased to have squeezed in a quick visit as part of my trip. I would have like to have cycled around, but this time I was on foot. The work on Kingsway runs for about 450 metres and includes the junction with Urmston Lane/ Barton Road to the west, but stops short of the the A56 junction which is wrapped up in other studies and work (the progress of which I have no idea).

A 2-lane w-2ay road with green cycle tracks in each direction protected by planted buffers with more landscaping and buff footways beyond. Viewed from a buff coloured crossing from the middle of the road.

The general design approach provides a single carriageway flanked by planted rain garden buffers, a pair of with flow cycle tracks, footways and a various laybys for bus stops and loading (above), all with a 20mph speed limit.

A green cycle track drops into the road to a green advanced cycle stop line. There are two traffic lanes heading away, left is left and ahead, right is right turn only.

Despite being within the project, the Urmston Road/ Barton Road junction was somewhat disappointing. It had been redesigned and made smaller with a slip road between Barton Road and Kingsway removed, but from a cycling perspective, advanced stop lines is all that's provided and the westbound transition from Kingsway is going to be hard to turn right from (above).

The start of a green cycle track where cyclists cross a kerb laterally to enter from the road.

While I am at it, I'll also have a whinge about the eastbound transition from the junction into the Kingsway cycle track (above). Access is provided via a dropped kerb which is in line with the general kerbline of the realigned carriageway. The trouble is, the angle that people will join the cycle track at is perfect for wheels to be caught on this kerb - this should have been an asphalt to asphalt tie-in.

View across a green cycle track with a planted buffer to the road and a buff footway with lots of landscaping to the right.

The overall look and feel of the new street is one of high quality and a real push to to include landscape. The cycle tracks should have been much wider given the huge amount of space there was to play with, but they are of a fairly decent quality (they're a bit less than 2 metres wide from my unscientific pacing).

A buff coloured asphalt footway left with a green coloured asphalt cycleway right. The cycleway is lower and they are separated by a gently sloping kerb with a rounded nib and socket between each unit.

I was very pleased to see forgiving kerbs being used for the cycle track (above). This means that people can cycle the full width of the space and where they need to join and leave they cycle track, that is safe and possible at a lower speed - especially useful for those who cannot dismount. 

The kerbs are actually Dutch as supplied by the folks at Hardscape from their Active Travel Kerb range. The little connectors at each end of the kerbs are called "hol-en-dol" (hollow and round), a detail that helps in both installation and adding strength.

A man cycling on a green cycle track into a lane protected by intermittent kerbs and wand posts.

At the eastern end there is a transition to light segregation before the A56 and while the junction is out of scope for this project, people are not thrown right into traffic, although the A56 crossing is pretty awful for everyone not driving!

A small roundabout with a buff circle marked on the centre.

About half way along there is an "implied" roundabout (above) which provides a vehicular access to the shopping centre car park which drivers seemed to be coping with. I don't know how busy it will be in final operation, but there is no set-back where people walk and cycle across the side road.

The same roundabout with a red van on it. There is a side road arm to the right with a cycle lane crossing it in green, but close to the outer circle.

Here's a different view just showing the cycle crossing (above). It would have been nice if this were a continuous treatment or maybe a parallel crossing depending on the expected traffic flow at the side road.

A toucan crossing looking across the road. A green cycle track stops with the traffic to the right.

There are a couple of toucan crossings on the link (one either side of the implied roundabout). They are well-positioned to connect residents to the shopping centre and the bus stops on the street from Bennet Street and Pinnington Lane. The problem is that if you want to use the toucan crossings from the cycle tracks, it isn't clear how you actually do so. It would have been better to have parallel signalised crossings for local coherence such as can be found in Waltham Forest, London.

A floating bus stop with a green cycle track between the footway left and bus stop island right. There is an orange, blue and white bus stopped.

The bus stops are floating (because why wouldn't there be) and there is a decent passenger island width (above). The bus shelters have solid panels in them which is a little problematic in terms of masking people crossing the cycle track, although as can be seen in the photograph, visibility is still reasonably good. 

View from the passenger island with an uncontrolled crossing of the cycle track to the left and a blue/ green bus at the stop to the right.

My personal preference for the crossings would have been zebra crossings, but they are on very gentle humps to provide a flat crossing point (above). I think the "look left/ look right" markings are overkill and the white lines across the line of travel are not permitted road markings.

A wide buff footway with houses set back left, large trees and other landscaping. To the left a man cycles past on a green cycle track.

Walking is no longer constrained to narrow footways behind guardrail. There is plenty of space, landscaping to enjoy and a decent buffer from the traffic (above). 

Three timber sun loungers with green metal frames.

The other little notable feature are "Stretford's Iconic Sun Loungers" (above) which have attracted confected outrage from the usual suspects in the media, but which create fun and interest in the street along with a whole range of seating. The northern side of the project really does create a new place for the residents that live there.

A man walking on the wide buff footway with some upright logs for climbing to the left in a planting bed.

Above is the view the other side of the loungers, some incidental play in the street in an area well away from the road giving children the chance to be themselves, perhaps as part of a trip to the shopping centre.

Kerbs between the green cycle track and buff footway with a sloped kerb becoming flat at a crossing point.

Despite some of the detailing issues I noticed, it's of course a really good redesign of the street. While it doesn't provide connections elsewhere, it does set a high standard for whatever is taken forward on the A56 and beyond and it is is always helpful to have somewhere that can be used as a local reference point. I'll leave you with another kerb photo (above) and this is a transition from forgiving kerb to flush kerb. Because this is the Dutch system, this is designed specifically for edging cycle tracks and all power to the designers for using it.